Thursday, February 19, 2009

A little more of my Art Project Display

I wanted to share a few of my other art works with you:

This is a door that I painted, it is also one of the first pictures I ever painted. It is done in acrylics.

This is a cabinet I did in my father-in-law's shop; it is also done in acrylics.

and lastly for this post is a pencil sketch I did of a Canadian goose.

Please feel free to leave me a comment letting me know what you think!


  1. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one painting everything. (Somehow I don't think my landlord would appreciate my art, if she saw it!)

    Great work, keep it up!

  2. Hey Renee',
    I am giving you a couple of awards...stop by my blog to get them :o)


Austin leave your sister alone, Girls quit screaming, I'm trying to talk here...Anyways, you were saying...